Since 2008, the joint effort of Geomap S.A. with the personnel of the Research Institute of Non-Conventional Energy (INENCO, CONICET – UNSa) and a cooperation agreement with the University of Heidelberg (Germany, Institute of Earth Sciences, Research Group Thermochronology and Archaeometry) led to the development and familiarization with a methodology for low temperature geothermochronology analysis, specifically in apatite and zircon fission tracks.
This experience, linking private and public elements, allowed not only the learning, consolidation, training and knowledge transfer of the mentioned techniques, but also the interpretation of real data in the area of the fold and thrust belt of Neogene age, from southern Peru to northwestern Argentina.
The generation of research, applied to the production sector, led to elaborate and publish reports incorporating elements of thermochronology readily usable by the oil and gas industry. Also, field works were conducted, analyzing the particulars of areas in which Geomap S.A. has been successfully working since 2003.
This lead to the formation of a national productive nucleus, managed by means of professional and technical international cooperation, aiming to generate the local capacity to constitute and sustain a “LA.TE. ANDES Development Center in Thermochronology”. The knowledge transfer by the research group of the University of Heidelberg to this local nucleus, based in the Province of Salta, was made in the form of workshops and courses at GEOMAP S.A. and LA.TE. ANDES offices.